About Josh Kalsbeek, LMFT

Quick Facts
• Marriage & Family Therapist, licensed in Nevada, Arizona, and Colorado. Currently I'm seeing all clients via video Telehealth sessions.
•Founder and CEO of Great Oaks Collective, and it's flagship program Overcome, a 10 Week virtual Intensive Outpatient Program for Christian couples experiencing sexual betrayal and addiction. Learn more at www.greatoakscollective.com. Because sometimes traditional counseling is not enough.
• Founder of Wisecraft, giving tools and ideas to help you grow in wisdom. Learn more at www.wisecraft.org. Or go here to sign up to receive my weekly newsletter, Words of Wisdom.
• Former Co-founder and Chief Product Officer of rTribe, an online community and coaching platform for helping people find victory over their struggles.
• To learn about what I'm currently focused on in my life, go to my Now page.
Hi, I’m Josh Kalsbeek, LMFT.
I’m a therapist, entrepreneur, coach, writer, husband, and father.
I am obsessed with understanding and experiencing deep transformation, then helping others experience that change. As a therapist and coach, I help individuals and couples discover powerful growth. As an entrepreneur I bring that change to scale.
My Mission
The purpose of my work is to answer the question:
“How can we connect deeply?”
Superficiality is one of the curses of our age. Loneliness is rampant. Divorce and dissatisfied marriages are common. And everything from pornography to technology distracts and destroys deep connection.
One of the ways I answer this question is through individual and group counseling and coaching. Individual treatment has proven effective in working with depression, loneliness, addiction, and conflict with spouses.
The path to deep transformation only happens through authentic and committed relationships.
I have spent more than ten thousand hours over the past 15 years doing a combination of psychotherapy, spiritual direction, coaching, and deeply studying psychology and spirituality. Yet formal study can only take one so far. I believe that in order to help others experience deep growth I must start with myself first, so my first goal is to be on a lifelong journey of transformation.
My personal values are to live an authentic life of healthy intimacy, simplicity, deep presence, creativity, and courage.
I love writing, creating, trail running, and working out in my garage, especially with kettlebells! I am a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist in Nevada (4167-R), Arizona (LMFT-15594), and Colorado (MFT.0001545), have an Addiction Studies Certificate, and a Masters in Marriage and Family Therapy from Western Seminary in San Jose, CA.
I am a clinical fellow in the American Association of Marriage and Family Therapists. See the AAMFT code of ethics.